Tuesday, 10 December 2013

JNTU Kakinada to Change the pattern of Evaluation to Online

It was recently intimated to all the colleges under the affiliation of JNTU Kakinada, that the pattern of conducting and evaluating the end examinations: semesters are being changed to online system: that the papers from now will be valuated through an online systems. Although students may feel it embarrassing, the thing is that the papers are corrected manually, but the marks will be posted through an automated system, so that there won't be any more blunders in the evaluation. The principals of the affiliated colleges were informed to reflect the changes suggested accordingly. There are news that the changes will come into effect after 20th December 2013, while some say that this will apply to all the examinations held in and after december. However students are advised for the following while writing exams:

  1. Use only black ink ball point pen for writing the exam
  2. Use only HB pencil for diagrams
  3. The Question numbers are to be marked in the boxes given on the left side.
  4. Avoid strikes and over writings on the paper.

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