DCL commands are generally used in controlling the permissions of a designer on a table. there are the following commands in the DCL category:
To clear the screen, type "cl scr"
Remember, every time you are to use your oracle, you must connect with your username and password combination. We'll now create a small table Student, with the following attributes:
the command for the above table is as:
create table student(snum number(5), sname varchar2(10), class varchar2(5), subject varchar2(5));
the result should be " table created".
Now we'll insert some data into the table:
insert into student values (1101, 'rambabu', 'section1', 'java');
output: '1 row(s) inserted'
update table student set snum=101 where snum=1101;
output: '1 row(s) updated'
delete * from student where snum=101;
output: '1 row(s) deleted'
select * from tab;
output: "This shows the tables that are present in your user directory"
- Grant: This command grants permissions to the user of a database. He can be given permissions to get connected, utilize the resources like manipulation commands (insert, delete etc.,)
- Revoke: This is the opposite of the grant: it removes the permissions of an user on a database.
Summary of the Commands:
Creating User into Oracle:
The steps are:
- Download a version of Oracle database from Oracle site ( I prefer Oracle 10xe).
- Install The Database onto your disk, the system will start functioning as your database.
- Now open the Oracle command-line.
- The window will some what be similar to the windows command-line.
- connect
- Enter username: system
- Enter password: system/manager
- now you should get the result as "connected." Now type in
- create user
identified by ; - you'll get a sign "user created." Now type in
- grant connect,resources to
- you'll get a sign "grant succeeded." Now type in
- connect
- username:
- password:
- you'll get "connected."
To clear the screen, type "cl scr"
Remember, every time you are to use your oracle, you must connect with your username and password combination. We'll now create a small table Student, with the following attributes:
- snum : number
- sname : string (alpha numeric)
- class : string (pure character)
- subject : string (alpha numeric)
the command for the above table is as:
create table student(snum number(5), sname varchar2(10), class varchar2(5), subject varchar2(5));
the result should be " table created".
Now we'll insert some data into the table:
insert into student values (1101, 'rambabu', 'section1', 'java');
output: '1 row(s) inserted'
update table student set snum=101 where snum=1101;
output: '1 row(s) updated'
delete * from student where snum=101;
output: '1 row(s) deleted'
select * from tab;
output: "This shows the tables that are present in your user directory"
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