Saturday, 8 June 2013

JNTU Kakinada B tech R10 4-1 CSE Subjects for the Semester

The following are the Subjects for the 4-1 Semester, CSE, JNTU Kakinada, Syllabus will be updated soon...

  1. Cryptography and Network Security
  2. UML and Design Patterns
  3. Data Ware Housing and Data Mining
  4. Mobile Computing
  5. Open Elective:
    1. MAT LAB (Except CSE, IT, ECE, EEE)
    2. Web Services (except CSE, IT)
    3. Open Source Software
    4. Cyber Laws
  6. Elective I:
    1. Computer Forensics
    2. Cloud Computing
    3. Software Project Management
    4. Machine Learning
    5. Distributed Databases
  7. UML & Design Patterns Lab
  8. Mobile Application Development Lab
The Subjects carry 4 credits each (Including the Electives) and the Labs carry 2 credits each...

Good Luck!